
Coming Out of the [Utilities] Closet @ the Nunnery

Last school year, I literally lived in a closet.

It was an old utilities closet that roughly had the dimensions 17 x 4.5 feet. I actually ended up loving the room, but for this school year I decided to leave the closet living to Harry Potter & take the opportunity to upgrade.

Welcome. Welcome. Welcome to my Oregon home!
This was an old tri-delts sorority house that was bought by First Baptist Church for Christian collegiates! It is now known as the Trinity House. The rumor is that our house is actually listed under "Nunneries" because it didn't fit in the Greek Life category. The sky pretty much looks like this 90% of the year. 
Some photographs of the room prior to a new coat of paint.

These In-Process photos were taken after a new paint job & after some thrifted furniture were moved in. The glass table on the left corner was a table that my house didn't want so I got it for free! One of the problems of this room was the amount of random holes on the wall and the awkward outlet placement.
We went to Ikea and bought some of textiles to cover up the hideous holes and to also frame the bed. Posters, potted plants, and other decorative accessories were used to help make the room have a warmer ambiance. 
Come Visit!!!

