

It's that time of year again where the cold weather, rain, and endless hours of homework cooped up in a coffee shop can lead to major food binges. Two weeks ago, for example, I ate seven cookies as a snack. Yes, Seven...like the number of days it took God to create the universe & then rest. And I'm not talking about dinky Oreo cookies, I'm talking seven good palm-sized homemade cookies. So, in fear that by the end of winter term an industrial crane will be the only thing able to get me out of my room, I have decided to go on a Detox Diet. I know, I know...those words evoke a certain image - a prissy Juicy jumpsuit wearing girl...but, nevertheless, I will forgo my pride and try this Detox diet anyway.

I'm going to be attempting the 11 Day Detox Diet called The Fast Track by Ann Louise Gittleman. I admit, the cover is obxious and extremely embarassing, but my amateur google research showed that it got decent reviews & was at least worth a try. Plus, two of my friends have graciously agreed to detox with me so it'll be great accountability.
The Detox Breakdown is something along the lines of this:
7 Day Prequel - where you eat foods from specific categories (the categories are so random so I'm not going to post them here, but basically you must eat a certain amount of food that help nourish certain organs such as the liver, the colon, etc.)
1 Day Detox - where you eat absolutely nothing but this "miracle juice" that's basically cranberry juice + a sundry of spices. (sounds a bit killer, but at least it's only 24 hrs)
3 Day Sequel - Similiar to the Prequel
Avoiding: Dairy, Coffee, Mold, Gluten, Sugars

Personal Thoughts: This first day of the Detox has actually been quite wonderful! The salad was great. I don't usually put dressing on my salads so the plainness didn't bother me, but for those of you who like an extra kick, I would suggest more pepper or salt. The spaghetti squash was delicious and super easy. Just simply cut the squash in half & pop it in the microwave for five minutes & scrape the inside out. All in all, I'm excited for this detox. Stay tuned tomorrow for Detox Day 2!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Great post i like it,
    There are certainly a lot more details to take into consideration, but thanks for sharing this post.

