Is it just me...or is everyone getting into a relationship or on the precipice of engagement ? Should I start my purchase order on cats and rocking chairs now? The recent spike of love has really gotten me thinking about my own. Who will I fake dream kiss on New Years? Will someone other than my parents or platonic girlfriends buy me Christmas presents? Will someone invite me to look at Christmas lights, pour me hot cocoa and hold my mitten while we walk?The answer to all of these questions is NO. I will NOT fake kiss anyone. I will NOT receive any gifts from any he-males. & No...I will personally make AND pour my OWN cocoa, hold my OWN mitten, and drive BY MYSELF to watch Christmas lights. THANKYOUVERYMUCH. And you know what, Inter-web? I'm okay with that. I really am. I'm okay with all of this. I know what some of you are thinking..."Oh Mir, Your brain is so fried from bitterness that you don't even know your own feelings anymore." Well, haterssss, let's leave the psychoanalysis to Freud, shall we? Believe me, I'm an Architecture Student.
So then, what does architecture have to do with love? Everything.
While reading 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School, Advice #29 said this: "Being process-oriented means: removing yourself from prideful investment in your projects and being slow to fall in love with your ideas." This advice is true. I've experienced it in my own architecture education. It's dangerous to cling to your first ideas too closely - you tend to lose sight of the big picture, the big context & you're stubbornly stuck with a less than mediocre plan. && almost always, you lose out on exploring other potentially better ideas. Don't love too soon.
& this is similarly how I'm currently viewing my own love life. Don't love too soon, Miranda - you'll miss out on all the other possibilities. Possibilities of just serving Christ as a single woman - an opportunity that won't last forever (hopefully...heh...nervous laughter). Opportunities to study abroad, stay late in studio, and divide my own time with no need to consider a significant other. Overall, I just feel very content and blessed to be doing all that I am doing.
So Cheers, Everyone! Cheers to all those in relationships - love and grow each other! Cheers to the engaged - I'm genuinely happy for most of you! & Cheers to all the singles - May we have the most fun we've ever had! :)
Updates from your blogger:
To be honest, following up on my last deeply emotional post was harder than I thought. I didn't want to post a jokey-joke blog entry that would take away from what I was truly struggling with, but also didn't want to drag on what I already addressed. Thus, this interlude. So let me do a short catch-up on the last 6 months. Graduate school has been in short terms: an absolute blessing. I've fully enjoyed myself in this new program. The people are awesome, my professors are creme de la creme, and I've really found my niche. My new church has been wonderful - the Word is preached every Sunday - What more could I ask for? Also, the amount of support and love I have received from everyone blew me away. I feel so so incredibly privileged to have all of you as friends. Thank you. That is all to say...this is undoubtedly the work of our gracious God. He knows what His children need and I am so humbled and thankful to be taught this lesson
Miranda. I love your posts, you are so encouraging! Seriously. I love seeing how God is working in your life through all the trials and joys that the everyday brings. You have been such a blessing in my life!