
No Husbands. No Extra Parking Spots.

Of all the things I should be doing right now as a responsible human being, blogging can be found at the very bottom of the barrel...
which is precisely why I'm blogging. I've been awfully mum lately, almost been in a blog-coma if you will. But, as you might have guessed, school has started again & therefore time has simply vanished like a piece of hazelnut-chocolate cake. Not to fear though. Life has continued..as per usual, my own life has been filled with extraordinarily mundane things. So let me talk about my mediocre life incase your life is too awesome & you would look to see how the other side of the world lives...

In the last 3 months:
I've moved into a new apartment, approximately 5 galaxies away from school. This has resulted in two things: 1) I feel much more grown up, because I get to take the freeway to school. Just like those of you who DRIVE to work! I too can now participate in your conversations about what time you need to wake up to beat the morning traffic. & it ALMOST feels like I live in a big city since I have to take the freeeeewayy. 2) I'm always late to class...& now, significantly so, because driving + parking is much more time consuming than the previous walking/running. 
Want to see my room? Okay, Here:

L: Bedside Light&Chair      R: Dwell Magazine because I'm an Arrrrchitecture Student & Plants

L: Dresser Nook & Pretentious Framed Things     R: Bathroom Corner

L: Closet & Staged Desk Chair    R: Desk  

If you're thinking that even after those photos, you have no idea what my room looks like, you would be 100% correct. You are very smart. Someone should HIRE you. This careful camera staging is because currently my bed alone looks like this:

& Since I didn't feel like making my bed just for the sake of photographing it, I decided just to avoid that side completely. Also, parts of my room have been falling to pieces because...as I have learned, 3 broken Ikea Ribba Frames later, heavy duty tape does not fix all. So if you want to see what my room looks like, you JUST HAVE TO VISIT ME. IS THAT SO HARD? NO. 


Since this is my first time living in an apartment, I have learned many new things...all made possible by  thin walls & loud voices. Things, such as...the neighbors to the left argue a lot. Plus, both the wife & the baby are very whiney. As they don't say...the tree doesn't fall far from the apple. eh? eh? eh?

The neighbors on our right, moved in rather recently...but previous to their apartment occupation...we had hoped for many many wonderful things. I, in my current "there-are-no-godly-men-so-i'm-giving-up-entirely-on-my-love-life" phase, dreamed that NO one would ever move in because then I could enjoy their parking spot freely. On the other hand, my roommate was praying that three godly single men (one for each of us, duh) would move in.
Honestly, I was okay if either happened.
But then, a handful of weeks ago, two Eastern European gay men with Montana plates & a blue eyed, blonde haired babychild moved in... God couldn't have made his decision more clear. I guess, technically, three guys DID move in - but two of them are in a relationship...with each other. & the third "guy" is probably 4 years old...& 4 is really just slightly below the cut-off age for me...so that's not going to work either.

I guess the SparkNotes version of this blog post is simply (as the title suggests): No Husband. No Parking Spot. Which really, if we think about it, has been the title of my life for the last 5 years. So there you go, for the readers who are just joining us now, you are now officially caught up with my life.

1 comment:

  1. "& 4 is really just slightly below the cut-off age for me" YOU LITERALLY KILL ME


